“The Importance of Personal Hygiene While Traveling”

“Stay Healthy, Hygienic and Safe on the Go!”

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Ah, the joys of traveling! They say that travel broadens the mind, it sure does! Let me tell you a little story about my own personal hygiene mishap while on the road. It was my first long-term trip outside of Europe, to India, the Real 90ties-Hippie-Style. Nature called at a roadside restaurant and the toilet was not what I was used to… When I asked the restaurant owner for some toilet paper, he handed me a long stick and a bottle of water instead and pointed out a patch of tall grass behind his shabby establishment! As I was trying to do my business, I suddenly found myself under attack by a group of pigs who were clearly interested in my “freshly made stool”. I immediately understood the purpose of that stick … to fend them off while trying to clean myself up with just one free hand and the bottle of water… 🐽 Let’s just say that it was a messy situation, but at least it gave me a newfound appreciation for the importance of personal hygiene while traveling.

Adventurous traveling is an enjoyable and thrilling experience, but you can also encounter a haven of bacteria and germs. Maintaining good personal hygiene habits when traveling can keep you healthy without possible infections. The significance of staying clean while traveling will be covered in this blog, along with advice on how to do so.

Prepare Your Travel Hygiene-and First Aid Kit for Your Next Trip?

Well, let me put it this way: if you’re going on an adventure and you don’t pack a Travel Hygiene Kit, you’re essentially going to war without weapons! Let’s face it, travel can be dirty, smelly, and downright gross at times. And while that might be part of the fun for some people, it’s important to remember that germs and bacteria are lurking everywhere… Think about it: you’ll be sleeping in strange beds, using public restrooms, and eating food from unfamiliar places. All of these things can expose you to germs and bacteria that your body isn’t used to.

So, if you want to make sure you’re fully equipped for your adventure, don’t forget to pack your trusty travel Travel Hygiene Kit. Your body (and your travel companions) will thank you for it!

An item that is also crucial, indispensable, or vital in its function is for every traveler, a First Aid Kit. Whether you’re planning a short trip or a long-term adventure, accidents and injuries can happen at any time! Having the right supplies on hand can make all the difference. Additionally, it’s important to consider any specific needs you may have, such as prescription medications or allergy treatment.

We learned the hard way, by not being prepared or badly organized … until we found ourselves in the middle of nowhere, at night, wounded … 😫

First, when it comes to packing for a trip, organization is key. Pack your items in a strategic way, “easy to reach” and most important things on top. It will make your travel experience much smoother and less stressful.

Second, good hygiene can help to reduce the risk of skin irritation and infection. When traveling, it is important to shower regularly and wear clean, dry clothes. This will help to reduce the risk of Dermatological irritations and rashes, which can be caused by sweat, dirt, and bacteria.

Finally, Practicing good hygiene can help to reduce the risk of traveler’s diarrhea. When traveling, it is important to practice safe food handling and preparation, as well as drinking only bottled or boiled water. It is also very important to avoid eating food from “dirty-looking” street vendors, choose the right, clean ones and wash your hands before and after. Additionally, it is important to wear sunscreen and insect repellent to protect your skin from the sun and insects.(or bed bugs like in the picture below … always check!👀)

One of the “low budget” rooms we encountered on our travels in India.

I have Uncovered a Truth that will Revolutionize the Way You Think About Cleanliness!

Remembering the pig story from above, one thing I found out is that people in Asia are actually cleaner than in the west! … Why you might ask; well, that´s because they use water instead of toilet paper! Actually, we Europeans did use water to cleanse our ‘private areas’ when the French invented The Bidet. At a time when full-body bathing was done once a week around the 1750ties.

Check out our Short Video: https://youtube.com/shorts/l3Vjn7Qrg5c

I ask myself regularly why this practice is now outdated with us fellow westerners?! For example, we lived more than 10 years in Thailand where we found in Every Toilet, a Bum Gun. It´s like a mini-hand shower to clean your bottom parts.(and the toilet..) According to my wife Yuris,… quite an enjoyable experience too😍

“Imagine cleaning your finger with paper after dipping it in chocolate paste … it stays a bit sticky right?” The same happens down there” …

We’re so hooked on the water-cleaning lifestyle that we honestly can’t imagine going back to the days of dry toilet paper! What cleaning with water does for your nether regions, is a game-changer and we’ve never looked back!

On the way with our self-made catamaran from Thailand to Cambodia. (story coming soon). After our number 2, we always jumped in the water for a rinse.

“Good Hygiene is Essential for Travelers”

It helps to protect us from illness and discomfort. Practicing good Intimate Hygiene while traveling can help to ensure a safe and enjoyable journey,… especially in hot and sweaty environments!

This Travel Bidet for example is super handy and easy to pack. No more stressing about running out of water when in nasty situations … just fill it up in advance and you´re ready to go!  You never have to worry about questionable bathroom hygiene, while traveling anymore!

Say goodbye to the harshness of toilet paper and hello to the next level of cleanliness and comfort. Plus, you’ll be saving money and trees in the process! By reducing the amount of paper use, you help to conserve resources and minimize waste. So not only are you taking care of your personal hygiene and health care, but you’re also doing your part to help protect the planet.

You´re not Fully Clean until you are Bidet Clean!!!

“Back to the Comforts of Home”

Imagine, coming back home from Asia … Settling back into routine? After learning a new and much better way to clean your intimate areas. You found out how good it feels to be always shower-clean and fresh down there while traveling. A bit like in the old ages when explorers and traders brought back exotic discoveries and newfound treasures. I´m 100% sure you want to keep this comfy, refreshed and more eco-conscious lifestyle and will never go back to using way too much toilet paper again! You became aware that; The use of water instead of toilet paper or wet wipes (wet wipes clog pipes!) does the job right! Not smearing “it” all out! + You’ll be doing your part to reduce pollution, conserve resources and save trees!

I guess by now you are convinced that it´s time to upgrade your toilets at home too, aren´t you? (Maybe you even bought a Bum Gun as a souvenir)… You will do the whole family a big favor! We heard stories and reviews from people who Revamped their toilets, all delighted with the transformation, the next level of cleanliness and comfort that improved their daily life in various cases:

  • Elderly and people with a disability.
  • Postpartum
  • Oversensitivity or medical problems
  • Menstrual hygiene.
  • Baby Care (the Bum Gun is also the perfect “Potty” cleaner!)

Don’t wait a moment longer to make the switch! Your derriere (and your underwear) will thank you!


Say goodbye to a sticky bottom and skid marks … and say hello to a new “Shower Fresh Lifestyle”, whether you are traveling the world or in your Daily Life, all day long. Not only does it help to keep you healthy and comfortable, but it also helps to prevent the spread of germs and illnesses.

We did thorough research to buy the right “Bum Spray Devices” for ourselves while on the road and to install at home and want to share it with our readers > Have a look at Our Shop Page For The Items we Recommend.

NOT CONVINCED YET?!? 😮🧻Check out our Short Video Here: https://youtube.com/shorts/l3Vjn7Qrg5c

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